The other day as my co-teacher and I were trying our very best to explain the makeup of a paper to our students, we were met with blank stares. I could tell the children just were not getting it. Then after several refocused explanations, a student raised his hand and said, "So the body is like the meat and potatoes of the paper." YES! I was so excited..then it hit me: USE FOOD! Why didn't I think of this before?! A paper is like a meal: there is a beginning (appetizer), a middle (main course), and an end (dessert)! Together we all worked to create our own anchor charts to put up in the classroom. We now refer to the anatomy of our papers as "Making it a Meal". 

The appetizer of a meal is meant to begin your meal with a small preview of the deliciousness you will soon enjoy. The purpose is to leave your hungry for more food, i.e. your main course. 

Similarly, the introduction of a paper begins the paper with a small preview of facts that will be presented in the text. The purpose if to leave you hungry for more of the text.

The main course of your meal is meant to fill you with yummy, nutritious food. It is the biggest part of the meal and leaves your almost satisfied. 

The body of a paper fills you full of facts about the topic of the paper. It is the longest part of the paper.

Finally, after a wonderful meal, you save room for a dessert...even if you don't eat it all! The dessert ends the meal and completely satisfies your appetite. 

Much the same, the conclusion of a paper ends the paper by satisfying the readers' appetite for knowledge.

This has been a HUGE eye-opener for my struggling students. I am sure others have used this before...maybe it popped into my head because I recall seeing it somewhere else at some point in my life. Either way, it works and it is work passing along to any Literacy teacher. 


    My name is Jessica. I am a busy, busy lady. I have been married to Clint since May 6, 2006. I have been a licensed elementary school teacher since May 9, 2010. I have been mommy to Alice since September 12, 2010. I have been owner/operator of Mid-State Realty since January 2011. My blog encompasses every part of my life...from marriage to parenting to teaching to real estate to crafts...everything all in one place! I hope you enjoy reading my entries as much as I enjoy writing them!


    August 2013
    January 2013


    Anchor Charts