You know, when I created the title of this page, I wanted it to be something that was all about Alice. I immediately was drawn to the Martina McBride song, "In My Daughter's Eyes." What a beautiful way for a mother to describe the love for her daughter. As I thought back to my pregnancy and delivery, another special song came to mind.

Before Alice was born I created a Labor Playlist on my MP3 player. Yes, one of them was "Push It" by Salt 'N Pepa...don't judge! As my due date came and went (Alice was twelve days late), I started listening to the playlist more and more as I walked miles and miles each day. One of the songs that I really enjoyed (and even played to Alice in my belly), was "Safe and Sound" by Matthew West. If you have never heard this song, you have to listen to it. Even just reading the lyrics makes me tear up...

Can’t believe you’re here now
Tiny dream come true
The answer to a prayer now
I’m so in love with you
Couldn’t wait to meet you
Hope you like your name
I get the funny feeling
Life will never be the same

Safe and sound
You’re here with me now
Like I hoped you’d be
Safe and sound 
You’re here with me now
And that’s all I’ll ever need

The world’s a scary place here
But baby it’s alright
I’ll make sure the coast is clear
So you can just sleep tight
But if you’re afraid of monsters
Like everybody is
I’ll be right beside you
Closer than a kiss

Safe and sound 
I’m here with you now
And you will always be
Safe and sound 
I’m here with you now
And that’s all you’ll ever need

Someday I’m gonna teach you
The reason why we pray
So that heaven’s love may reach you
Every single day
So, baby close your eyes now
And say a prayer with me
Lord, I lay me down to sleep now
But I know I will be 

Safe and sound
You’re here with us now
And we will always be
Safe and sound You’re here with us now
And that’s all we’ll ever, all we’ll ever need
You’re all we’ll ever need 

In my daughter's eyes, I am a hero.
I am strong an' wise,
And I know no fear.

When I listen to this song, I am reminded of all the things my daughter sees when she looks at me. I once lived my life the way I thought others wanted me to. I was constantly concerned with everyone else's opinion of me. No more. Although in my own mind, I am often feeble, ignorant, and fearful of many things (especially motherhood), in my daughter's eyes, I am Super Mom. I am the one she runs to when she is happy, sad, or scared. I am the ultimate role model in her life right now. Wow! What a responsibility!

Right after we came home from the hospital, I thought Alice had a magical sixth sense: knowing when I was taking a shower. It didn't matter if she was sound asleep, as soon as I stepped into the shower, she started wailing. I brought her into the bathroom in her swing but she was still miserable. I put her in her Moses basket to sleep while I showered but I just couldn't manage a 5 second shower before she started crying again. When she was a couple of weeks old, I remember just feeling defeated...how could I care for this tiny baby if I couldn't even manage to take a shower daily?! I sat in her room, wrapped in a towel, halfway soaped, holding Alice, crying. I just didn't know what to do. So, I did what any new mommy would do...I called my mommy. "I can't even take a shower without her crying! I stink!" My mom laughed (which was really irritating at the moment). Then she gave me advice that was so obvious, "Why don't you take a shower before you go to bed at night? Then you don't have to worry about her crying because she will be in bed for the night." DUH! I hung up the phone and looked down at this little wrinkly bundle of stressful joy. "You just want to be near mommy, huh?" From that point on, I have showered before I go to bed at night. Of course, when I know I can get a morning shower in, I do! Luckily, now Alice will walk into the bathroom and say, "Mommy sow-wer!" as she tosses her tub toys in for me!

I remember when she was a about five months old; she was sleeping in her crib in her room by that point. She was getting her first teeth in. As new parents, my husband and I had no idea what to expect or how to handle the situation. We quickly learned that Alice doesn't deal with teething well. One night, she woke up screaming. I went to her room and tried to nurse her...she still screamed. I tried to rock her...she still screamed. I tried to walk around with her...she still screamed. I thought I was going to scream. And then it hit me; the only thing I could do was love her. She was crying in pain and wanted to be comforted. So I snuggled with her until she was fast asleep in my arms. From that moment on, whenever I don't know what to do, I just remember that my job as a mommy starts by keeping Alice safe and sound...and sometimes that just means to hold her tight through the pain. 


    My name is Jessica. I am a busy, busy lady. I have been married to Clint since May 6, 2006. I have been a licensed elementary school teacher since May 9, 2010. I have been mommy to Alice since September 12, 2010. I have been owner/operator of Mid-State Realty since January 2011. My blog encompasses every part of my life...from marriage to parenting to teaching to real estate to crafts...everything all in one place! I hope you enjoy reading my entries as much as I enjoy writing them! 


    January 2013
    July 2012


    Kids Say