While pregnant back in 2009-2010, I gained a little over 60 pounds. As a stay-at-home-mom for the first year, I lost every bit of that weight. Since returning to teaching in 2011, I have gained a load of it back! On December 23, 2012, I turned 30. My body has changed so much and everyone warns me that at 30, my metabolism will change and therefore my body will change...again! 

For 2013, I am DETERMINED to lose this weight that is bogging me down. I know I will never be model thin and I am completely okay with that. I just want to make progress towards a more healthful life and it starts now. 
The first thing that I got was my HydraCoach. My big brother got it for my for Christmas after my sister in law checked out my Pinterest boards! Oh my goodness! It is the best water bottle ever! I have always found it difficult to drink enough water. I love sodas, what can I say?! The only time that I drank the proper amounts of water was for the year that I breastfed. Other than that, most of my liquid intake came from Diet Mountain Dews. With this handy little tool, I feel like I have to beat the clock because it keeps track of how much water I am drinking while TIMING me! It even sets my water intake goal for me. I love when I don't even have to think!

The next thing I received was from my hubby after Christmas. The FitBit One is hands down the best thing that has ever happened to my exercise life! This handy little tool keeps up with how many steps I take, how many flights of stairs I walk, how many calories I burn, and how well I sleep! It automatically syncs daily from my laptop to the FitBit dashboard. There I can view my sleep patterns and all of my fitness data. And, if it couldn't get any better, it automatically syncs to my account on myfitnesspal.com! It is absolutely fantastic. My only complaint is that at night the FitBit would come out of the wristband that is used for sleep tracking. However, I have since started wearing the wristband inside out and the issue has become nonexistent. 

And now, for one of my hubby's favorites...possibly because he designed this gift...my new Nike ID running shoes. Yes, they are as bright as they look in the picture. If I ever misplace them, I should be able to see them in the dark...plus they have my initials made onto the tongue where the Nike logo usually goes. (If you look closely, you can see!) So, they look wild but are they worth the money you ask? YES! They are probably the best running shoes I have ever put on my feet. They are light weight and move easily with my feet. Even walking through the mall becomes speed walking when I wear them because they are so comfortable that exercising is enjoyable!!!

Watch out 2013... 

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    My name is Jessica. I am a busy, busy lady. I have been married to Clint since May 6, 2006. I have been a licensed elementary school teacher since May 9, 2010. I have been mommy to Alice since September 12, 2010. I have been owner/operator of Mid-State Realty since January 2011. My blog encompasses every part of my life...from marriage to parenting to teaching to real estate to crafts...everything all in one place! I hope you enjoy reading my entries as much as I enjoy writing them! 


    January 2013


    Calorie Tracker